Well okay, it isn't as bad as it sounds (I think), since I've been doing these things (extra small scale) with all the stacks and stacks of piano scores. & its much more fun than homework THANKYOUVERYMUCH. But its still intimidating! D:
Yihan's my partner in this, okay we shall be some lean mean packing machines on monday!
That aside, here are a few photos from the day out with a few of the girls yesterday ;D
Alicia and I met for cycling at PasirRis park at 930, we rented the bicycle for 2 hours but ended up resting halfway by eating beehoon, drinking juices, playing pool and table soccer! We had nice casual talks too, :D (this is short but the fun was much more than that)
Ky and Ash were apparently still at ash's house after the 2 hours were up, so we toured around E-hub and I bought myself a pair of slippers at half price from num (SPERM BAG SPERM BAG).
Gosh I LOVE those slippers there's this round squishy patch of gel at the heel area and they're so squishy and comfortable! (I'm sure all of them got the point since I repeated this throughout the day)
So we found ky and ash at the arcade, we played TAIKO NO TATSUJIN!!!!!!
That's my favourite game on the psp and nds if anybody can recall (sadly, I don't own any of these gadgets). None of them can beat the arcade version though, that was just pure fun.
We played a few rounds of it, but halfway through a stupid poser guy came to show off and that left ky and alicia pretty annoyed. Not ashley though, she was staring at him, mesmerised.
The movie timings weren't suitable for all of us so we had ICECREAMWAFFLES AT GELARE.
The cherry idk what flavour and the jamaican chocolate idk what flavour = fantastic.
There was a photo of ashley pressing away on the nds and the guy behind her doing the same (I swear they can be lovers), (I deleted that angsty part).
When we saw a tablesoccer table in one of the restaurants, we walked right in and played like no mother, my hand hurts now and my concentration span only comes after a long time.
Team KYEMMA vs. team ALIASH
HOT SOCCER GUY. The name Mohammad Ali suits him
(sorry we didn't take pic of the vj soccer team in yellow haha)
ouch table soccer must hurt for these little guys
that's they guy next to mohammad Ali, and I'm kissing his head!
We left the place after a gazillion rounds (I WON A FEW ROUNDS!!), Ash ky and I passed by a playground on the way to the mrt and I had a go on the BABYSWING,
I almost couldn't get outta it, babies have smaller butts I guess, hahaha.
Some ahlians stared at us (even before I sat on the swing), hah. Ashley showed us some of her destructive powers, swings and see-saws and swingaboutstuffs are love!
That was an absolutely fun and entertaining day, I didn't blog about all the other fun and random stuff which I'm sure you guys'll remember! :D
LETS DO IT AGAIN SOMEDAY!! we MUST! Bowling would be great, it used to be this tradition thing for all of us to bowl every holiday eh!
(for now, goodluck for your studying!)
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